Valuechain is a technology business based at Daresbury that provides smart software solutions to enable manufacturing organisations to connect, collaborate, improve competitiveness, and become Industry 4.0 ready. They aim to generate tangible benefits for all organisations working in the manufacturing sector, through their production control (DNA 4.0), business improvement and supply chain intelligence solutions (Network Portal).
Valuechain joins C&W4.0 as an accelerator partner and a solution provider. Through working with C&W 4.0 together, Valuechain and C&W4.0 aim to achieve the shared goal to connect with manufacturing and cross-sector industries in Cheshire & Warrington Region and to increase productivity, promote collaboration, build intelligence, and drive sustainable improvements and growth.
C&W4.0 team at Liverpool John Moores University (LJMU) and Valuechain worked together over 6 months period. Through discussions with other SMEs, we identified specific business challenges centering around supply chain digitalization that local SMEs are facing. A demonstrator involving Valuechain’s software and technologies was decided to showcase the state of the art in supply chain management and to demystify the technology to local SMEs in Cheshire & Warrington region. To this end, a supplier portal demonstrator was under development which is based on the cloud and includes key features as follows to benefit the local SMEs:
The Proof-of-Concept Demonstrator has been successfully designed, developed, and implemented. The dashboard portal uses desensitised real data to represent how suppliers and their performance can be managed on the cloud with ease of access. The Supply Chain Digitisation partnership has been successfully established between LJMU and Valuechain. The demonstrator has the twofold benefits that it helps Valuechain to improve product performance and sales growth, meanwhile C&W4.0 team uses it as a valuable tool to showcase supply chain opportunities for SMEs in the Cheshire, Warrington, and wider areas.
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